Ever since the revolutionary postulate on the double helical structure of DNA was advanced by Watson and Crick in 1953, molecular biology has not ceased to grow and develop; it has even “invaded” the most active spheres of biology and medicine. Thus, biochemistry, genetics, physiology, cellular biology, the neurosciences, and many other branches of biomedical research have entered the whirlwind of molecular biology, a positive whirlwind that pulls into its ascending spiral a multitude of disciplines, and multiplies their usefulness and results. Little over half a century since its initial discovery, it is very difficult to do biology nowadays without doing molecular biology.
The Master’s in Molecular Biology & Biomedicine (MBBM) gathers together virtually all the researchers of the UPV/EHU who are active in the areas of Molecular Biology and Genetics, and in the molecular aspects of Biomedicine. The same is applicable in the preclinical cycle of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Cantabria. Many researchers from CIC-bioGUNE and the companies associated with it also participate. This signifies a total of at least 36 highly active groups, who in the last three-year period total over 70 research projects with external funding, and over 400 research papers.
Furthermore, it is a well-known fact that that R+D+Innovation in the professional sector associated with Molecular Biology & Biomedicine has an incomparable vitality not found in any other activity. It suffices to say that in this sector knowledge about basic research is frequently transferred directly to commercial exploitation.
We are convinced that by offering the MBBM to graduates from the most varied of disciplines, united by a shared interest in Molecular Biology, we are contributing effectively through quality training to the development of a new generation of professionals in research, development and innovation.
Document with information on the MSc. Molecular Biology and Biomedicine.(pdf,36KB)
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