Friday, May 8, 2009

Combating Resistance to Antibiotics (CRAB) Meeting

CRAB meeting
Santander 11-12 May 2009
Scientific and Social Program
Site of scientific sessions: Escuela Superior de Telecomunicaciones. Universidad de Cantabria (located in Avda. de los Castros), about 15 min walking from the hotel.

Monday 11

9h00 - Fernando de la Cruz / Didier Mazel:
Introductory comments and organization details

WP1: Integrons
9h30 D. Mazel: Integrons here and now
10h00 Z. Baharoglu: SOS induction of integrón-integrase expression by conjugation
10h30 C. Loot: Folding of hairpin attC sites: consequences on integrón recombination
11h00 E. Zechner: Conjugative biofilms in a catheter-associated UTI model.
11h30 Coffee break

WP3: Conjugation
12h00 E. Zechner: Regulation at the relaxosome – T4CP interface.
12h30 G. Moncalián: The R388 relaxase and relaxosome.
12h45 M.P. Garcillán: Plasmid classification by relaxases.
13h00 E. Cabezón: Biochemistry of conjugative coupling proteins.
13h15 I. Aréchaga: Biochemostry of type IV secretion systems ATPases
13.30 F. de la Cruz: Inhibition of conjugation
14h15 Lunch at Restaurante (about 15 min walking from the meeting site)
16h30: CRAB administration meeting and discussion about final report (only for IPs; the other participants have free afternoon and evening)

Tuesday 12
WP2: Transposons
9h30 M. Chandler I
10h00 M. Chandler II
10h30 M. Chandler III
11h00 F. Olatz
11h30 Coffee break

WP4: Stability
12h00 L. Van Melderen: Toxin-antitoxin systems: a lot more than we thought…
12h30 J. Guglielmini : Resurrecting old killers: reconstruction of ancestral toxins from toxin-antitoxin systems.
13h00 P. Gabant : How to Make Antibiotics Obsolete: Use of Bacterial Selection Modules for Efficient Protein Production in E. coli
13h30 F Hayes
14h15 Lunch
16h30: CRAB administration meeting and discussion about final report (only for IPs; the other participants have free afternoon and evening)
18 – 20 h: Guided tour to the city of Santander
21 h: CRAB diner. Restaurante “El Peñón” (San Juan de la Canal)