Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Functional dissection of the conjugative coupling protein TrwB

de Paz H.D., Larrea D., Zunzunegui S., Dehio C., de la Cruz F., Llosa M

The conjugative coupling protein TrwB is responsible for connecting the relaxosome to the type IV secretion system during conjugative DNA transfer of plasmid R388. It is directly involved in transport of the relaxase TrwC, and it displays an ATPase activity probably involved in DNA pumping. We designed a conjugation assay in which the frequency of DNA transfer is directly proportional to the amount of TrwB. A collection of point mutants was constructed in the TrwB cytoplasmic domain on the basis of the crystal structure of TrwB{Delta}N70, targeting the nucleotide triphosphate (NTP)-binding region, the cytoplasmic surface, or the internal channel in the hexamer. An additional set of transfer-deficient mutants was obtained by random mutagenesis. Most mutants were impaired in both DNA and protein transport. We found that the integrity of the nucleotide binding domain is absolutely required for TrwB function, which is also involved in monomer-monomer interactions. Polar residues surrounding the entrance and inside the internal channel were important for TrwB function and may be involved in interactions with the relaxosomal components. Finally, the N-terminal transmembrane domain of TrwB was subjected to random mutagenesis followed by a two-hybrid screen for mutants showing enhanced protein-protein interactions with the related TrwE protein of Bartonella tribocorum. Several point mutants were obtained with mutations in the transmembranal helices: specifically, one proline from each protein may be the key residue involved in the interaction of the coupling protein with the type IV secretion apparatus.


Friday, June 4, 2010

The Conjugative DNA Translocase TrwB Is a Structure-specific DNA-binding Protein

Matillla Inmaculada., Alfonso Carlos., Rivas Germán., Bolt Edward L., de la Cruz Fernando., Cabezon Elena.


TrwB is a DNA-dependent ATPase involved in DNA transport during bacterial conjugation. The protein presents structural similarity to hexameric molecular motors such as F1-ATPase, FtsK, or ring helicases, suggesting that TrwB also operates as a motor, using energy released from ATP hydrolysis to pump single-stranded DNA through its central channel. In this work, we have carried out an extensive analysis with various DNA substrates to determine the preferred substrate for TrwB. Oligonucleotides with G-rich sequences forming G4 DNA structures were the optimal substrates for TrwB ATPase activity. The protein bound with 100-fold higher affinity to G4 DNA than to single-stranded DNA of the same sequence. Moreover, TrwB formed oligomeric protein complexes only with oligonucleotides presenting such a G-quadruplex DNA structure, consistent with stoichiometry of six TrwB monomers to G4 DNA, as demonstrated by gel filtration chromatography and analytical ultracentrifugation experiments. A protein-DNA complex was also formed with unstructured oligonucleotides, but the molecular mass corresponded to one monomer protein bound to one oligonucleotide molecule. Sequences capable of forming G-quadruplex structures are widespread through genomes and are thought to play a biological function in transcriptional regulation. They form stable structures that can obstruct DNA replication, requiring the action of specific helicases to resolve them. Nevertheless, TrwB displayed no G4 DNA unwinding activity. These observations are discussed in terms of a possible role for TrwB in recognizing G-quadruplex structures as loading sites on the DNA. 
